Tulisan Yang Pertama

kepada para pelawat sekalian, di sini aku nak tekankan bahawa Miliknya Kembali adalah hasil penulisan aku yang pertama. Memang nampak sangatlah ke amaturan nya tuh, hahaha. but insyaAllah it will get better in the next series, i promise. So, komen2 MEMBINA dari anda semua adalah dialu-alukan. Terima Kaseh. 

Published in: on Mac 19, 2008 at 10:43 am  Tinggalkan Komen  

Sadness From The Past

Sadness.. i try my hard to avoid this feeling. Whenever the dark past haunted me, this sadness will come. No matter how hard i try to forget it or no matter how far i run from the trobules, it still haunted me, everyday in my life.

 Then, one day, i learn that all the bad feelings and bad things you do in your past will never leave u alone. You cant never get rid of it from your life. All you can do is to learn to live with it and try to improve yourself not to make the same mistake again.

The big question is, do you really want to learn from the mistake?

Everyone has secret and some secret are better remain as secret and you should respect others for not telling their secrets.

Some people can learn by themself and some people needs other people to help them to learn. As for me, let me learn my mistake by myself and hope people will understand and respect my decission.

funny pictures

                         ~Si Botet Yang Kesedihan~

Published in: on Mac 6, 2008 at 4:48 pm  Tinggalkan Komen  


Setelah sekian lama memerhati, meneliti dan dan mempelajari cara2 ber blog dar i rakan2 bloggers yg lain, akhirnya hati ini terbuka juga untuk menjadikan blog sebagai satu tempat untuk menulis segala yang terlintas di fikiran dan terbuku di hati. bukan diari, bukan luahan, hanya sekadar tulisan untuk dibaca dan diamati oleh para pelawat sekalian.

sekadar mukadimah, cukup untuk kali ini.  get ready for the next entry and i try to make it more interesting.

sampai di entry seterusnya, sekian.

Published in: on Mac 4, 2008 at 7:16 am  Comments (2)